Un elenco di titoli di Arnold V.I. (noti e meno noti)

From: Tetis <ljetog_at_yahoo.it>
Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2012 19:51:18 +0100

Ho trovato girovagando per la rete un post:


(c'� un link che reindirizza ad un sito per un oscuro abbonamento, non
ho provato ad iscrivermi perch� ho pensato potrebbe essere truffaldino,
ma l'idea di potere scaricare questi libri, devo ammetterlo mi ha
tentato per un attimo)

Con un elenco lunghissimo di libri di Arnold. Alcuni li conoscevo gi�,
altri mi sono del tutto nuovi. Metto una stellina a quelli che
conoscevo gi�.

VI Arnold - - - "Hard" and "soft" mathematical models
VI Arnold - - - Astroidal hypocycloids geometry and the Hessian
topology of hyperbolic polynomials
*VI Arnold - - - Geometrical methods in the theory of ordinary
differential equations
VI Arnold - - - Geometry of complex numbers, quaternions and spins
VI Arnold - - - Group Euler and arithmetic geometric progressions.
*VI Arnold - - - Huygens and Barrow, Newton and Hooke
*VI Arnold - - - Dynamical Systems-5
*VI Arnold - - - Proof AN Kolmogorov on the preservation of
conditionally periodic motions under small perturbations of the
VI Arnold - - - Challenges for children from 5 to 15 years
VI Arnold - - - Favorite-60
VI Arnold - - - History of ancient and recent
VI Arnold - - - Lectures on Partial Differential Equations
VI Arnold - - - Small denominators I. Mapping the circle onto itself
VI Arnold - - - Small denominators and problems of stability of motion
in classical and celestial mechanics
*VI Arnold - - - Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics
VI Arnold - - - Mathematical trivium
VI Arnold - - - Mathematical trivium - II
VI Arnold - - - New obscurantism and Russian education
*VI Arnold - - - Ordinary Differential Equations
VI Arnold - - - Singularities of Caustics and Wave Fronts
VI Arnold - - - Catastrophe Theory
VI Arnold - - - Catastrophe Theory
VI Arnold - - - What is mathematics?
Arnold IV - - - Negative numbers in the algebra course
Arnold IV - - - Theoretical Arithmetic

VI Arnold - - - Continued Fractions
*VI Arnold - VS Afraimovich - Ilyashenko YS - Bifurcation theory (Vol.

*VI Arnold - Varchenko - Husein-Zade SM - Singularities of
differentiable maps (Volume 1) Classification of critical points,
caustics and wave fronts.

*VI Arnold - Varchenko - Husein-Zade SM - Singularities of
differentiable maps (Volume 2) Monodromy and asymptotics of integrals.
*VI Arnold - Vasilyev, VA - Goryunov VV etc. - Dynamical systems-6.
Features 1: Local and global theory
*VI Arnold - Vasilyev, VA - Goryunov VV etc. - Dynamical Systems-8.
Features 2: Classification and Applications
*VI Arnold - Givental AB - - Symplectic Geometry
*VI Arnold - Ilyashenko YS - Anosov, etc. - Dynamical Systems-1: Book
1: Ordinary Differential Equations
*VI Arnold - Ilyashenko YS - - Ordinary Differential Equations
*VI Arnold - Ilyashenko YS - - Ordinary Differential Equations (Volume
*VI Arnold - Ilyashenko YS - VS Afraimovich - Bifurcation theory
*VI Arnold - Kozlov, VV - Neustadt AI - Mathematical Aspects of
Classical and Celestial Mechanics
*VI Arnold - Kozlov, VV - Neustadt AI - Current problems in
mathematics. Fundamental Directions. Mathematical aspects of classical
and celestial mechanics (Vol. 3)

Received on Fri Nov 09 2012 - 19:51:18 CET

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