Re: Rumore nelle misure ottiche
Molto spesso la fonte dominante di rumore � il rumore poissoniano
dovuto alla photo-statistica. Puoi stimare una figura di merito del
sistema di micro-spectroscopia che ti dice quanto sia il SNR della
misura rispetto al numero di fotoni misurati.
Poi vi sono la dark-current ed il read-out noise del sensore, nonch�
altre fonti di errore che possono affliggere sensori, elettronica e
cos� via. Nel tuo caso instabilit� dell'optomeccanica
dell'intereferometro ed isteresi, se usi FTIR fai scansioni, potrebbe
fornire altri errori.
Nel caso di sistemi in cui sia importante, molto spesso viene
sottostimato il timing jitter dell'elettronics...
In micorscopia, la photon-economy e photon-statistics dei vari sistemi
di acquisizione per anisotropia, tempi di vita ed imaging spettrale
sono stati quantificati:
Ballew RM, Demas JN. An Error Analysis of the Rapid Lifetime
Determination Method for the Evaluation of Single Exponential Decays.
Analytical Chemistry, 1989; 61: 30-3.
Ballew RM, Demas JN. Error Analysis of the Rapid Lifetime Determination
Method for Single Exponential Decays with A Nonzero Base-Line.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 1991; 245: 121-7.
Carlsson K, Philip JP. Theoretical Investigation of the Signal-To-Noise
ratio for different fluorescence lifetime imaging techniques. Proc.
SPIE, 2002; 4622: 70-4.
de Grauw CJ, Gerritsen HC. Multiple Time-Gate Module for Fluorescence
Lifetime Imaging. Applied Spectroscopy, 2001; 55: 670-8.
Gerritsen HC, Asselbergs MA, Agronskaia AV, Van Sark WG. Fluorescence
lifetime imaging in scanning microscopes: acquisition speed, photon
economy and lifetime resolution. Journal of Microscopy, 2002; 206:
Gerritsen HC, Draaijer A, van den Heuvel DJ, Agronskaia AV.
Fluorescence lifetime imaging in scanning microscopy. In Pawley J,
editor. Handbook of biological confocal microscopy. Plenum Press: New
York, 2006; 516-33.
Kollner M, Wolfrum J. How Many Photons Are Necessary for
Fluorescence-Lifetime Measurements. Chemical Physics Letters, 1992;
200: 199-204.
Philip J, Carlsson K. Theoretical investigation of the signal-to-noise
ratio in fluorescence lifetime imaging. Journal of the Optical Society
of America A, 2003; 20: 368-79.
Sytsma J, Vroom JM, de Grauw CJ, Gerritsen HC. Time-gated fluorescence
lifetime imaging and microvolume spectroscopy using two-photon
excitation. Journal of Microscopy-Oxford, 1998; 191: 39-51.
Neher R, Neher E. Related Articles, Links
Optimizing imaging parameters for the separation of multiple labels in
a fluorescence image.
J Microsc. 2004 Jan;213(Pt 1):46-62.
PMID: 14678512 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Neher RA, Neher E. Related Articles, Links
Applying spectral fingerprinting to the analysis of FRET images.
Microsc Res Tech. 2004 Jun 1;64(2):185-95. Erratum in: Microsc Res
Tech. 2005 Jan 1;66(1):58.
PMID: 15352090 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Lidke KA, Rieger B, Lidke DS, Jovin TM. Related Articles, Links
The role of photon statistics in fluorescence anisotropy imaging.
IEEE Trans Image Process. 2005 Sep;14(9):1237-45.
PMID: 16190460 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Received on Sun Dec 03 2006 - 19:10:09 CET
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