Post doctoral position in Quantum Gravity

From: Moretti Valter <>
Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 09:35:32 +0200

Ciao a tutti,

      posto anche qui l'avviso di una nostra borsa di post dottorato,
anche se l'ambiente non e' proprio ufficiale...
Ciao a tutti,



Grant at the Department of Physics, in collaboration with the
Department of Mathematics, University of Trento

Tutors: prof. Luciano Vanzo (Dept. of Physics),
                 prof. Valter Moretti (Dept. of Mathematics)

Title: Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime, Conformal Field
          Theory and Black Hole Physics

Subject: Rigorous aspects of quantum gravitational physics from either
          semi classical approaches or approaches based on Quantum Field
          Theory and Conformal Quantum Field Theory.

Requirements: Applicants must satisfy the following requirements to be
                 eligible for the competition. They must have a Ph.D.
                 Degree either in Physics or Mathematics and experience
                 in Quantum Field Theory and/or Conformal Field Theory
                 especially with applications to Black Hole physics.

Import of the grant: � 24.197,4 (total gross salary)

Period: 18 months starting at the beginning of June 2005

Deadline for applications: May, 9, 2005 at 12.00

Interview of invited candidates May 16, 2005

The grant is founded by PRIN 2004 "Classical, quantum, stochastic
systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom"
local interdepartmental research group of Trento,
the national coordinator being Prof. G. Jona-Lasinio.

Further information, forms etc.


Valter Moretti, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematical Physics

University of Trento
Faculty of Science
Department of Mathematics
via Sommarive 14
I-38050 Povo (Trento)

Received on Wed Apr 06 2005 - 09:35:32 CEST

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