(wrong string) � la coscienza influenzare la realt�?

From: Massimo <gienda_at_despammed.com>
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 23:38:42 +0200

Sembrerebbe di s�, analizzando i risultati ottenuti a Princeton dal PEAR


"The most substantial portion of the PEAR program examines anomalies
arising in human/machine interactions. In these experiments human
operators attempt to influence the behavior of a variety of mechanical,
electronic, optical, acoustical, and fluid devices to conform to
pre-stated intentions, without recourse to any known physical processes.
In unattended calibrations these sophisticated machines all produce
strictly random outputs, yet the experimental results display increases
information content that can only be attributed to the influence of the
consciousness of the human operator"

Credo che nessuna teoria scientifica, nell'attuale paradigma, possa
spiegare il risultato di questi esperimenti: ma allora l'attuale
�, perlomeno, incompleto.
Received on Sun Sep 28 2003 - 23:38:42 CEST

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