Nuova versione del libro gratuito di fisica - 900 pagine
Come il libro, anche il testo e` in inglese:
The free physics text available on the internet since 1997 has been
expanded again. The new version has a new section on the unification of
general relativity and quantum theory at Planck scales
( as well as enlarged sections on
quantum theory ( and, on special relativity
( and on electrodynamics
( More colour figures have also been
included. In particular, the new version adds the following new topics:
In electrodynamics: Why are there no tractor beams? How can you make a
lamp with a cucumber? Is mind-reading possible?
In classical physics: What do you need to be careful about when looking
after several women or men in rapid succession?
In the section on general relativity: How does general relativity limit the
number of horsepower an engine can provide?
In the section on mathematics: How can you reverse your pullover with your
hands tied?
In the section on quantum theory: What are the measurement limits of clocks
and meter bars?
In the new section on Planck scale effects: What happens to a photographer
who reduces the shutter time to the shortest value possible? What can be
said about the shape of the fundamental entities in nature?
In the section on special relativity: Could the speed of light vary at all?
The text is written for students and anybody interested in physics. Also
physics teachers and physics researchers will find enough material of
interest to them. Over 900 pages provide simple, vivid and structured
introductions to all fields of physics. Mechanics, special and general
relativity, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, quantum theory, high energy
physics and modern unification attempts are presented simply and clearly.
Every page is written to be as surprising and challenging as possible; just
open the text at random, or if you prefer, read one of the sections
entitled "Curiosities": you will find the best physical puzzles of the
The text also teaches how to distinguish between serious statements and new
age fantasies or how to distinguish between science and science fiction.
It gives clear statements on quantum theory. It explains how to trigger
explosions with scotch tape or with sea water. It explains why people
thought that electricity is a liquid. It lists the various surprising
effects matter can show. It provides the list of all open questions in
physics, the issues posed by the night sky, the paradoxes of black holes,
the physics of sex, several strange coincidences in nature, the frequency
of gravity waves, the way to connect water pipes to a turning wheel, the
connection between quantum theory and the number of angels that can dance
on a pin, Hilbert's sixth problem, the way David Copperfield flies and
other methods for levitation, the issue of the wavefunction of the
universe, the physics of pleasure and the impossibility to disprove the
hollow earth theory.
In short, the text aims to give an overview of what motion is and what it
can effect. A warm thank you to all readers who have sent corrections and
suggestions. The book file can be freely downloaded - in one file or in
separate chapters - from
Enjoy it.
Christoph Schiller
chri_schiller _at_
P.S. The project is now looking for sponsors, so that the text can continue
to be free for all readers.
Received on Fri Jan 31 2003 - 22:49:25 CET
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