Libro di fisica gratuito - ora con soluzioni dei quesiti
La nuova versione del gratuito libro di fisica e`disponibile su
Il resto dell'introduzione e`, come il libro stesso, in inglese:
The free physics text available on the internet has been expanded again.
The answers to over 350 challenges and quizzes have been included. How
does the Mississippi flow uphill? Why does quantum theory make tightly
shut boxes impossible? Why is a glass of wine never completely full? How
can one see through mountains? What is necessary to become invisible?
These topics are now found in the new version of the text.
In addition, the section on quantum theory now includes explanations of the
working of molecular motors and the importance of quantum theory for ships,
life and mirrors. A section on waves has also been included. Many figures
have been added and most old ones redrawn.
The text, written for students and anybody interested in physics, now
contains over 800 pages. They provide simple, vivid and structured
introductions to all fields of physics. Mechanics, special and general
relativity, electrodynamics, quantum theory, high energy physics and modern
unification attempts are presented. Every page is written to be as
surprising and challenging as possible; just open the text at random, or if
you prefer, read one of the sections entitles "Curiosities". Physics
professionals will also find enough material interesting to them,
such as the first person - not Albert Einstein - who has discussed
the expression E=mc^2.
During the adventure to explore motion with ever increasing precision, the
text touches topics such as claims about speeds higher than that of light,
negative refractive indices, or the disasters that our planet might
encounter in the future. It explains how to trigger explosions with scotch
tape or with sea water. It explains why people thought that electricity is
a liquid. It lists the various effects matter can show. One encounters
the list of open questions in physics, the issues posed by the night sky,
the paradoxes of black holes, the physics of sex, strange coincidences in
nature, the frequency of gravity waves, the way to connect water pipes to a
turning wheel, the connection between quantum theory, Pauli and the number
of angels that can dance on a pin, Hilbert's sixth problem, the way David
Copperfield flies, various methods for levitation, the issue of the
wavefunction of the universe, the physics of pleasure, the impossibility to
disprove the hollow earth theory, and much more.
In short, the text aims to give an overview of what motion is and what it
can effect. The files can be freely downloaded at
Christoph Schiller
christoph_schiller _at_
P.S. If you happened to read the text in the last millennium, read it
again. It has been considerably improved.
P.P.S. A warm thank you to all readers who have sent corrections and
Received on Sat Nov 30 2002 - 00:38:19 CET
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