(wrong string) �

From: Gian Paolo Bronzetti <a_toy_lab_at_inwind.it>
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2002 17:09:33 GMT

"Insider" <aistain_at_inwind.it> wrote in message
> Volevo sapere su cosa si basa la scala Fahreneit (come mai lo 0 cade a
> ecc.)

Breve ricerca nel web mondiale con Google (it).

"Fahrenheit established three fixed points on his thermometer.

Zero degrees was the temperature of an ice, water, and salt mixture.

When he omitted salt from the slurry, he reached his second
fixed point when the water-ice combination stabilized at
"the thirty-second degree."

His third fixed point was "found as the ninety-sixth degree,
and the spirit expands to this degree when the thermometer
is held in the mouth or under the armpit of a living man in
good health."

After Fahrenheit died in 1736, scientists calibrated his
model of thermometer using 212 degrees, the temperature
at which water boils, as the upper fixed point.

When the Fahrenheit thermometer was recalibrated, normal
human body temperature registered 98.6 rather than 96."

L'intera storia su:


Ciao, Gian Paolo
Received on Thu Jun 06 2002 - 19:09:33 CEST

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