Il Prof. Emilio DEL GIUDICE, dell'INFN di Milano
marted� 27 febbraio, alle ore 15.00,
terr� nell'aula 0M03 del dipartimento di Fisica di Napoli (Montesantangelo)
un seminario dal titolo:
"Interazioni di campi e.m. di bassa intensit� e frequenza con sistemi di
Sommario: In the framework of quantum electrodynamics (QED), the universally
accepted theory of ordinary condensed matter, we analyse a system of ions
dissolved in water. Contrary to the common opinion that for aqueous
solutions in normal conditions, QED can be well approximated by classical
physics or by the semiclassical approximations of molecular dynamics, we
find for such systems QED solutions of a very different nature. Such
solutions appear to solve several paradoxes that plague the conventional
approaches. Our main result is that ions dissolved in water are not in
gaseous state, but settled in a coherent electromagnetic field, where they
perform plasma oscillations in resonance with a coherent electromagnetic
field, thus providing a satisfactory understanding of the thermodynamics of
electrolytes. In this new framework, we also find a simple explanation of
the phenomenon of osmosis.
Prof. Francesco Nicodemi
Received on Tue Feb 20 2001 - 17:02:53 CET
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