Re: Progetto Philadelphia

From: Roberto Labanti <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 16:21:57 +0100

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 14:11:57 GMT, (Stefano) wrote:

>Qualcuno saprebbe spiegarmi cos'� o comunicarmi
>un link adeguato?
>E' vero
>che si tratta di un tunnel spaziale ottenuto
>"localmente" per puro caso?

Si veda Vallee, Jacques F. 1994. Anatomy of a Hoax: The Philadelphia
Experiment Fifty Years Later. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol.8
no.1 (1994) pp.47-71 on-line all'url

di cui riporto l'abstract


The "Philadelphia Experiment" concerns the allegedly paranormal
disappearance of a Navy destroyer from the docks of the
Philadelphia Navy yard in the late Summer of 1943, followed by
disclosures of official contact with extraterrestrial powers.
Claims made by purported witnesses of this supposedly secret Navy
test directed by Albert Einstein have been repeatedly found to be
fraudulent. The author has now interviewed a man who served on a
companion ship to the destroyer in question, and who was on the
scene the night of its supposed disappearance, which he is able
to explain in minute detail. Yet the features of the story are
such that it survives in the UFO literature and that it is now
being revived under a novel form for the benefit of a new
generation of readers. Using this incident as a model of a
successful hoax, the present article extracts thirteen parameters
that have been instrumental in its remarkable survival over the
last fifty years; it compares the features of this fabrication to
other questionable episodes of UFO lore; finally, it attempts to
draw up a list of suitable measures for their detection,
challenge and ultimate exposure.

Saluti zetetici,
Received on Wed Jan 17 2001 - 16:21:57 CET

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