Re: Un capolavoro...

From: Giacomo \ <>
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2010 12:08:56 +0200

In data Sat, 21 Aug 2010 21:22:31 +0200, Elio Fabri ha scritto:

> Se qualcuno me lo spiega...
> Non scherzo: la frase finale non sono riuscito a capirla.

Trovato (con l'aiuto di google), è una brutta traduzione del primo
paragrafo di questa pagina:

Yebbuyana requires 84.7 Wh per km of driving (or 8.47 kW h per 100 km)
and for the estimated 30 000 km ZERO Race journey, it will need
approximately 2545 kWh energy (or 2.54 MWh). The renewable energy
requirements for Yebbuyana are produced by solar cells at SunVolt’s
Haenam facility in the region of Geon-nam in South Korea. SunVolt is a
Korean company specialising in building and operating renewable energy
plants at the utility provider scale, with the aim to offer economically
viable energy to end-users. The Haenam installation has a daily
production capacity of 1500 kWh (or 1.5 MW). The total amount of power
required to drive Yebbuyana around the world generated at this rate
means that sufficient renewable energy will be produced for it in less
than 2 days. The SunVolt Power Company kindly donates this power to the
PowerPlaza Team.

Giacomo "Gwilbor" Boschi
Received on Sun Aug 22 2010 - 12:08:56 CEST

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