FAQ di sci.physics

From: (wrong string) � <fspano_at_flashnet.it>
Date: 2000/08/03

Faremo magari la figura dei pigroni, ma se traducessimo queste?
Su questo potrei anche dare una mano (senza garantire l'esattezza pero',
andrebbero comunque riviste da un esperto)

Federico Spano'

Japanese language version:

A single compressed file containing all the HTML files for the
FAQ can be downloaded by FTP from ftp://ftp.weburbia.com/
Postscript files are also available there.

There are a number of other more specialised FAQs for
these and other physics newsgroups. Most of them are
mentioned in the Physics FAQ.

The Physics FAQ is edited by Scott I Chase
Received on Thu Aug 03 2000 - 00:00:00 CEST

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