Re: ascensore di einstein
Il 03/07/2010 23.07, bibbozibibbo ha scritto:
> Sfogliando una famosa rivista mi sono messo distrattamente a leggere
> un articolo che parlava di relativit�, meccanica quantistica, materia
> oscura, modello standard e chi pi� ne ha pi� ne metta.
Tutto in un articolo solo?
> A un certo
> Any test mass located inside the famous Einstein elevator - falling
> with the local acceleration of gravity g near the surface of the Earth
> - and zero initial velocity with respect to it, remain motionless for
> the time of fall. An observer inside the Einstein elevator will not be
> able to tell - before hitting the ground - whether he is moving with
> an acceleration g in empty space, far away for all masses, or else he
> is falling in the vicinity of a body (the Earth) whose local
> gravitational acceleration is also g.
Cosa esattamente trovi assurdo?
Received on Sun Jul 04 2010 - 11:16:10 CEST
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