Ciao, forse ti riferisci a questo. Poi ne hanno scritti altri
ma questo doverbbe essere il capostipite. Ciao
Valter Moretti
Dipartimento di Matematica
Universita' di Trento
Time machines: the Principle of Self-Consistency as a
consequence of the Principle of Minimal Action
Authors: A. Carlini, V.P. Frolov, M.B. Mensky, I.D. Novikov, H.H. Soleng
Journal: International Journal of Modern Physics D 4 (1995) 557-580;
Erratum-ibid. D5 (1996) 99
We consider the action principle to derive the classical,
non-relativistic motion of a self-interacting particle in a 4-D
Lorentzian spacetime containing wormhole and which allows the existence
of closed time-like curves. For the case of a `hard-sphere'
self-interaction potential we show that the only possible trajectories
(for a particle with fixed initial and final positions and which
traverses the wormhole once) minimizing the classical action are
those which are globally self-consistent, and that the `Principle of
self-consistency' (originally introduced by Novikov) is thus a natural
consequence of the `Principle of minimal action.'
Received on Wed Jun 23 1999 - 00:00:00 CEST
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