Conference announcement

From: Carla Pardini <>
Date: 1999/05/07

14th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors

Venice, Italy 11-13 October 2000

All aspects of fiber optic and guided wave sensing techniques, systems,
devices, and
theories will be covered in the technical sessions of the Conference,

-physical and mechanical sensors: temperature, pressure, strain,
vibration, acceleration, flow, displacement, rotation
-sensors for electromagnetic phenomena: magnetic field, electric field,
current, voltage
-chemical, environmental, biochemical and medical sensors: remote
spectroscopy, pollution monitoring, trace analysis, in-vivo monitoring
-fiber optic gyroscopes: techniques for high sensitivity, low cost
systems, new configurations, and applications
-interferometry and polarimetry: coherent and incoherent systems,
-multiplexing and sensor networking: topologies and theories,
multiplexing techniques, Bragg grating applications
-distributed sensing: time, frequency and coherence domain
reflectometry, new principles for distributed sensing
-sensing for optical fiber communication: OTDR, diagnosis of
transmission systems, optical devices for system testing
-passive and active devices for photonic sensing: sources, detectors,
modulators, special fibers, integrated optic devices, fiber gratings,
fiber amplifiers, microoptic components
-system applications and field tests: smart structures and materials,
metrology, process control, environmental monitoring, fly by light
-new concepts for photonic sensing

Technical and Scientific Contact Point:
OFS 2000
Via Panciatichi 64
 I-50127 Firenze, Italy
 Phone: +39-055-4235 1
 Fax: +39-055-4379 569
Received on Fri May 07 1999 - 00:00:00 CEST

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