(wrong string) ����nix!!!

From: <pubrel_at_softwareforge.com>
Date: 1999/04/30


   LinuxCAD is an AutoCAD for Linux for all practical purposes it implements
all major features of ACAD in such a way that new users (who had ACAD experience before)
do not need any additional training to start working with LinuxCAD ).

   But more then that LinuxCAD is a general purpose visual modelling system that runs on
all ����nix platforms and may become soon for Computer Aided Design what GN���� C became for
software development.

   LinuxCAD can be used in:
       Software Development Flowcharting ,
       Entity Relationship Diagramming,
       Network planning,
       System Administration Diagramming and you actually can start
       your sysadmin tasks from inside LinuxCAD,
       Mechanical Engineering drafting,
       PCB and schematic design ( easily integrated with routing programs ),
       Geographicsl Information Systems,
       Any kind of drafting where integration with database is important,
       Floor plans for buildings and facilities,
       Architectural Drafting,
       Front end for programmable rendering systems like OpenGL,
       Front end for any software that may require graphics editor functions,
       Can be used to replace ACAD in every application later is used !!!


   Software Forge Inc. was uniquely positioned in the indestry and this is not coinsidence that

we and not someone else brought to you this product , our core team members has 20 years experience

in working on CAD application development in Acad environment. We have reverse engineered Acad DWG

format a long time ago.

   We using for development unique Post Object Oriented Software development technology which gives

us far better performance in comparison to competition.

   And last and foremost we are the "good guys" , because we support Linux !!! We add value and

not just taking advantage from what is already there.

       We provide new opportunities:

   do the math yourself:

   AutoCAD - $2900 a copy
   AutoCAD upgrade alone - $400 at least
   Windows NT - $300

   You can replace all of the above to: Linux - free
                                         LinuxCAD - only $99

      You have at the least $600 in savings per one drafters workstation !!!


  You can put LinuxCAD on your older Sun SPARC machines instead of retairing them !!!

   Now is the good time to buy LinuxCAD instead of upgrading AutoCAD.


   Software Forge Inc.
   public relations department


Received on Fri Apr 30 1999 - 00:00:00 CEST

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