Libro di fisica accessibile sul web

From: <>
Date: 1999/01/12

Un libro di fisica in inglese e` accessibile sul web da qualche
tempo. Ecco l'annuncio dell'ultima aggiunta, il capitolo
sull'elettrodinamica classica.


The chapter on classical electrodynamics of my free and
non-boring physics text is now available on the web page

The 50 pages in pdf format give a concise introduction into
Maxwell's equations, as well as telling

- how General Motors learned to avoid making lightnings
    and destroying cars
- how fingers bend light- how to measure light speeds larger than c
- how to achieve levitation- how the magician David Copperfield flies.

Any remarks are welcome. As usual, any suggested improvements
will be included in the revised version of the text, and
senders will be rewarded.


          Christoph Schiller

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Received on Tue Jan 12 1999 - 00:00:00 CET

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