Re: I gemelli e la stazione spaziale

From: LuigiFortunati <>
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2017 10:55:28 +0200

Mike Fontenot alle ore 08:47:53 del 04/08/2017 ha scritto:
>> Space station S is positioned at several light years away and is quiet
>> with Earth T:
>> T ---------------------------------------- S -> x
>> Since T and S are in quiet, Earth time is identical to that of the space
>> station.
>> The traveling twin starts at zero time of all the clocks, travels to
>> gamma=8 and arrives in S when his watch marks the time of 5 years.
>> What time does the space station clock mark?
> Assuming that the traveler instantaneously accelerates to gamma = 8, the
> clock at S will read 40 years when T reaches there at age 5 years. But
> T says that the home twin is only 5/8 years old then. (As soon as T
> accelerates to gamma = 8, he will no longer regard the clock at S to be
> synchronized with the home twin's age. He says that the clock at S
> reads (40 - 5/8) once he has reached gamma = 8. I.e., he says that the
> clock at S suddenly changes from reading zero to reading (40 - 5/8)
> years when he accelerates (instantaneously) from gamma = 0 to gamma = 8.)

  Hai perfettamente ragione, quando l'astronave del gemello viaggiatore
accelera istantaneamente da gamma=1 (non gamma=0) a gamma=8, avvengono
cose strane.

  La stazione spaziale S (che prima era distante quasi 40 anni-luce)
improvvisamente s'avvicina a quasi 5 anni-luce (altrimenti non potrebbe
raggiungerla in soli 5 anni).

  Quindi improvvisamente lo spazio si contrae di 8 volte (da 40 a 5) e
altrettanto improvvisamente il tempo si dilata di 8 volte.

  I corpi vanno verso dietro (s'avvicinano) e il tempo va in avanti (il
gemello terrestre invecchia istantaneamente e altrettanto
istantaneamente la Terra gira 40 volte intorno al Sole).

  Il gemello terrestre, la Terra, il Sole e l'intero sistema solare
"vivono" 40 anni della loro vita mentre il gemello viaggiatore ha
soltanto il tempo di fumarsi una sigaretta!

(You're perfectly right when the traveling twin spaceship accelerates
instantly from range = 1 (no range = 0) to gamma = 8, strange things
happen. Space Station S (which was nearly 40 years old) suddenly
approaches almost five years light (otherwise it could not reach it in
just 5 years). So suddenly the space is contracted 8 times (40 to 5)
and equally suddenly the time dilates 8 times. The bodies go backward
(they approach) and time goes forward (the Earth's twin grows instantly
and instantly the Earth spins 40 times around the Sun). Earth twin,
Earth, Sun and the entire solar system "live" 40 years of their lives
while the traveling twin has only the time to smoke a cigarette!).

Luigi Fortunati
Credere e' piu' facile che pensare
Believing is easier than thinking
Received on Sat Aug 05 2017 - 10:55:28 CEST

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