Re: Allais effect e lunar wake

From: <>
Date: Sun, 25 May 2014 14:40:00 -0700 (PDT)

Ho caricato su flickr questo grafico

che va interpretato alla luce delle seguenti note, che sono in inglese ma google le traduce abbastanza bene

There are two satellites with a magnetometer aboard. They are geosynchronous and GOES 13 is at a longitude W74 while GOES 15 is at W135. Their angular distance is 60° and in term of hours it is 4h. Looking at their data, it appears that sometimes the disturbances are synchronous, other times GOES 13 is 4 hours ahead, other times the disturbances are sensed only by one satellite. This teached me that there could be two types of disturbances, a first one on a "planetary" scale, and another one on a "meridian oriented" scale. The disturbances do have a persistence, which could be not long enough for them to be sensed by both satellites. Each magnetometer has three axes, one parallel to the Earth axis, one pointing toward Earth, and one pointing Eastwards. The three curves of each satellite often have different patterns, and the same happens between the homologous magnetometer axes of the two satellites. I have considered arbitrarily only the first magnetometer axis of GOES 13.

Kiev is at longitude of E30, which in term of hours means 7h through the short path and 17h through the long path to GOES 13. Depending on when a "meridian oriented" disturbance occurs, it could happen that the torsind is ahead or behind. Depending on persistence, it could happen that only one of these two instruments detects the signal. Further, consider that Kiev is at a latitude of 50° and is at Earth, while the satellite is 36,000 Km above the equator. The torsind has also a "brake", that is its preferred orientation, whatever the cause. That said, one could not expect an exact correlation, but only a statistical one. I hope you could agree now.

I would point out that "around" optical solar eclipses it also happens that the moon eclipses the solar wind (which cames angled, as we will see in a next post).

This eclipsed solar wind could disrupt a pre-established equilibrium in the magnetoshrere, and the torsind might have actually sensed eclipses in epochs of quiet sun (homogeneous solar wind only disturbed by the moon). In epochs of highly active sun, such as these days, the "eclipse" signal would have been lost.
I add now that the std dev was arbitrarily computed over 1 hour windows, and I don't know whether this is the best fit.

Antonio Iovane
Received on Sun May 25 2014 - 23:40:00 CEST

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