Disco rotante relativistico: paradosso risolto?

From: Wakinian Tanka <wakinian.tanka_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2017 01:28:58 -0800 (PST)

Perdonatemi ma purtroppo, a parte l'Abstract, non ho le competenze per capire questo lavoro di Rizzi e Ruggiero (e Serafini che ha contribuito con la tesi di dottorato).

In particolare vorrei avere una "idea" almeno intuitiva delle ipotesi/assunzioni/definizioni che sono state fatte sul modo di effettuare le misure di lunghezza.

Settembre 2002

We study the space geometry of a rotating disk both from a theoretical and operational approach; in particular we give a precise denition of the space of the disk, which is not clearly defined in the literature. To this end we define an extended 3-space, which we call relative space: it is recognized as the only space having an actual physical meaning from an operational point of view, and it is identifed as the 'physical space of the rotating platform'. Then, the geometry of the space of the disk turns out to be non Euclidean, according to the early Einstein's intuition; in particular the Born metric is recovered, in a clear and self consistent context. Furthermore, the relativistic kinematics reveals to be self consistent, and able to solve the Ehrenfest's paradox without any need of dynamical considerations or ad hoc assumptions>>.

Wakinian Tanka
Received on Sat Dec 23 2017 - 10:28:58 CET

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