Re: Sbarco sulla Luna: una domanda da cospirazionista

From: cometa_luminosa <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 04:30:05 -0700 (PDT)

On 20 Lug, 18:51, Ribelle60 <> wrote:
> Ma siete diventati matti?
> C'era TUTTA la terra astronomica che li guardava...
> Le prove sono migliaia!

Come lo spieghi questo?:

<<...The main rule of thumb in photography is that the larger the
format of the film the less depth of field. For instance, 16mm film
has a large depth of field. 35mm has a smaller depth of field and 70
mm (which Stanley was using in 2001 as were all of the astronaut-
photographers in the Apollo missions) has an incredibly small depth of

What this means is that it is virtually impossible for two objects
that are far apart in the lens of a 70mm camera to be in the same
plane of focus. One of the two objects will always be out-of-focus.
Filmmakers like to use depth of field because it creates soft out-of-
focus backgrounds that are visually very pleasant to the human eye.


It may look like the astronauts are on a vast lunar landscape but
actually they are on a small confined set.

According to the NASA literature, the Apollo astronauts were using
large format Hassleblad cameras. These cameras were provided with
large rolls of 70 mm film on which they took the images. This large
format film is exactly the same size film that Kubrick was using when
shooting 2001.


When the Apollo photographic record is examined, the exact opposite of
what one would expect to find is discovered. Instead of many out of
focus shots, we find that nearly every shot is in pristine focus.>>

E come spieghi questi?:
Received on Mon Jul 27 2009 - 13:30:05 CEST

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