Re: come mi spiegate questo miracolo galattico?

From: Valter Moretti <>
Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 06:02:38 -0700 (PDT)

On May 18, 12:59�am, (luciano buggio) wrote:
> Come mi spiegate questo miracolo galattico?
> Distorsione dell'obiettivo quadrangolare?
> Luciano Buggio
> --
> questo articolo e` stato inviato via web dal servizio gratuito gli abusi ad

Ciao, tutto questo � lontano dalla mia attivit� di ricerca, ma la
spiegazione, per quanto ne capisco � riportata nella pagina:

alla quale si accede cliaccando ssulla scritta
Far-Infrared: IRAS
che appare sotto l'immagine che hai postato alla pagina:

Riporto la spiegazione

<< The far-infrared (FIR) data were obtained with the InfraRed
Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) in 1983. This was the first space-borne
infrared astronomy satellite, and was an international collaboration
between the US, the Netherlands and the UK. IRAS mapped nearly the
entire sky at four wavelengths, including 60 microns (millionths of a
meter) and 100 microns in the far-infrared. Since infrared detector
technology was still relatively immature at the time of this path-
breaking mission, the spatial resolution for the mid-IR images is
rather modest. The IRAS detectors were rectangular in shape, and had
relatively large fields of view (about 1.5 arcmin wide and 4.7 arcmin
long at 60 microns, and 3 arcmin by 5 arcmin at 100 microns). The far-
IR images depicted in the Museum resulted from high-resolution
processing, in which sky coverage and sophisticated mathematical
algorithms combine to yield effective resolutions of better than 1
arcmin. The odd elliptical shape of many mid-infrared emission peaks
is a consequence of the underlying rectangular detectors used by IRAS.

Le frasi sono

**** The IRAS detectors were rectangular in shape ***


*** The odd elliptical shape of many mid-infrared emission peaks is a
consequence of the underlying rectangular detectors used by IRAS ***

Qundi non c'� alcun fenomeno reale, � procedura usata che produce i

Received on Fri May 22 2009 - 15:02:38 CEST

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