Re: l'alta tensione e' pericolosa ?
On 19 Feb, 23:26, "Giacomo \"Gwilbor\" Boschi" <>
> > A me preoccupano di pi� gli elettrodotti per le maggiori potenze in gioco,
> Chiaro le potenze nei cavi sono alte, ma la potenza irradiata � zero. Il
> problema � capire come i campi interagiscono con il corpo.
I campi a bassa frequenza (ELF-MF ) come 50Hz della rete elettrica
hanno effetti biologici,
anche se lievi:
The results of our study do not give any support to the hypothesis
that occupational exposure to ELF-MF up to about 2 microT, i.e. at the
levels currently found in most workplaces, can exert a genotoxic
effect in workers.
ELF-MF affected positively the cell viability and concomitantly
reduced the levels of apoptotic death in rat neuronal primary
cultures, with no significant effects on the main anti-oxidative
Values of blood analysis revealed significant increase in the blood
calcium level in exposed animals compared with the control group .
This indicated that the calcium left the bone to the blood.
This is the first study to report that ELF-MF exposure generates
oxidatively induced DNA base modifications which are mutagenic in
mammalian cells, such as FapyGua, FapyAde and 8-OH-Gua, in vivo
( 10/2008)
A significant reduction was observed in nitrite levels among the first
and second experimental groups of rats and sham-exposed rats after
exposure for 10 months, 2 h a day, to ELF-MF of 100 and 500 microT (p
< 0.01). These results suggest that prolonged ELF-MF exposure at
intensities of exposure limits, determined by ICNIRP for public and
occupational, may reduce nitric oxide production.
Received on Fri Feb 20 2009 - 14:03:19 CET
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