Re: piccolo estratto

From: Paolo Cavallo <>
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2008 09:51:42 +0200

Valter Moretti ha scritto:
> Hai ragione. Mi pare uno di quei testi che rovinano studenti mettendo
> in testa idee sbagliate e insegnando a non capire credendo di aver
> capito...

Mi chiedo (molto onestamente, non certo per invocare un qualche principio di autorit�) cosa ne pensi del brano di Feynman nel cap. 10 del primo volume delle /Lectures/, poco dopo l'eq. 10.5:
"In addition to the law of conservation of momentum, there is another interesting consequence of Newton's Second Law, to be proved later, but merely stated now. This principle is that the laws of physics will look the same whether we are standing still or moving with a uniform speed in a straight line. For example, a child bouncing a ball in an airplane finds that the ball bounces the same as though he were bouncing it on the ground. Even though the airplane is moving with a very high velocity, the laws look the same to the child as they do when the airplane is standing still. This is the so-called /relativity principle/.


Received on Wed Apr 02 2008 - 09:51:42 CEST

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