Re: lasciare "riposare" dopo cottura microonde

From: Siddharta <>
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2007 01:53:30 +0200

"Soviet_Mario" <Soviet_at_MIR.CCCP> ha scritto nel messaggio
>> Io ribatto che il microonde agita solo le molecole di acqua e non
>> immagazina nulla di nocivo.
> ovviamente hai ragione.

B�, bisognerebbe guardare al processo nel suo complesso, ovvero a come
vengono cotti certi cibi nei bar, tavole calde, etc.

It's also true that Nelson, working with the FDA-affiliated Center for
Toxicological Research in Jonesboro, Ark., tested the effects on olive oil
enclosed in plastic wrap during microwave cooking. Her testing revealed that
one of the substances, known by its initials DEHA, turned up in trace
amounts in the oil after cooking and migrated into the oil at between 200
parts and 500 parts per million. The current FDA standard for DEHA is 0.05
parts per billion.

Il DiEthylHexylAdepate, che � cancerogeno, mi sembra un po' fuori standard,
non trovi?
Received on Sun Oct 07 2007 - 01:53:30 CEST

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