Universal Black Hole model e fattore 2
Su questo sito
un tale Gary Lyon Otto propone un modello cosmologico basato
sull'analogia tra l'Universo osservabile e l'interno di un buco
A un certo punto egli afferma:
"The radius of a black hole located within our Universe as defined by
Karl Schwarzschild’s simplification of Einstein’s relativity is:
RS = 2GM/c^2
If we adapt this formulation to the Universe as a whole, the radius
for the Universal Black Hole becomes:
RS = GM/c^2
Note that since the Universe is a black hole seen from within rather
than a black hole within the Universe, its formulation is not
Quindi, se ho capito bene, poiché l'Universo (secondo lui) sarebbe un
buco nero visto dall'interno, la formula del suo raggio non sarebbe
2GM/c^2 bensì GM/c^2, senza il fattore 2.
Gli ho chiesto via mail per quale motivo il 2 sparisse, e questa è
stata la sua risposta:
"For the same reason that E = mc^2 not ½ mv^2 as in calculations when
the velocity is less than c..
You point out a fundamental feature of physics. When applying
formulations within the universe the 1/2s and the 2s are needed, but
when describing the universe itself it is not needed. The difference
is that the universe is its own container. The same applies to the
calculation of the velocity of light. Where escape velocity usually
is twice the orbital velocity. The universe expands at the escape
velocity. c = (GM/R)^1/2"
Secondo voi questi ragionamenti sono plausibili o no?
E qualcuno potrebbe aiutarmi a comprenderli?
Received on Thu Dec 13 2018 - 20:27:59 CET
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