Gli esercizi di Feynman e l'errata corrige delle Lectures su un sito web

From: Peltio <>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 22:39:37 GMT

Forse pu� interessare a qualcuno questo sito:


The purpose of this website is to share information about The Feynman
Lectures on Physics.

Initially the content provided at will be rather
limited, but it is our hope that the quantity and variety of content
available will grow with contributions from interested visitors. Of
course, that depends on you! We invite you to contribute postings for
this site, including (but not limited to):

    * stories of how The Feynman Lectures on Physics influenced
      your life (or others')
    * physics/math problems and their solutions
    * URL's (links) relevant to The Feynman Lectures on Physics

Posting for this site should be e-mailed to
See the Post Here page to find out more.

Site Content

Stories about the influence of The Feynman Lectures on Physics on
people's lives.

Exercises and solutions to math/physics problems.

Errata for The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Feynman's Tips on Physics,
and other works by Richard Feynman.

Includes documentation of approximately 200 errors that occur in the
Commemorative Issue (1989) and earlier editions of The Feynman Lectures
on Physics, with their corrections.

che il sito � aperto ai contributi.

Io non c'entro, l'ho scoperto oggi. :-)

Ti piace la fisica e vorresti leggere qualche articolo divulgativo di 
buon livello? Consulta la sezione "Best of" di Physics World alla 
pagina (Comunicato a cura della LIPSISC)
Received on Wed Dec 20 2006 - 23:39:37 CET

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