Re: FWD Per sentire e vedere il Maestro on azione (Richard Feynman: The Douglas Robb Memorial Lectures)

From: Peltio <>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 19:55:14 GMT

"Galak" ha scritto

Aggiungo la descrizione di questo seminario cos� come l'ho trovata sul sito
che vende altre registrazioni di Feynman

QED in New Zealand.
Quantumelectrodynamics (QED) was the subject of "QED - The Strange Theory of
Light and Matter," the popular book by Richard Feynman which was first
published by Princeton University Press in 1985. Feynman makes passing
references to the fact that the book is based on a series of general
lectures on QED which were first delivered in New Zealand. Feynman had
doubts about the accessibility of the lectures on QED to a general audience,
and chose not to initially deliver these lectures at his native Caltech.
Rather he chose remote New Zealand as his testing ground and in the process,
gave the New Zealand physics community the dubious honor of being the
guinea-pigs for his QED lectures. At Auckland University, these lectures
were delivered in 1979, as the Sir Douglas Robb Lectures. Although the
published version of "QED - The Strange Theory of Light and Matter" is an
excellent self-contained description of the subject, watching an unedited
Feynman delivering the lectures reveals his style and enthusiasm for his
subject in a way which is impossible in a printed medium. Direct quotations
from the lectures provide fascinating additional insight both into the
material of QED itself and into Feynman's character. Each set contains four
VHS video cassettes or DVDs (78, 100, 106, and 93 minutes).

Received on Fri Aug 19 2005 - 21:55:14 CEST

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