Re: fisici e libera professione

From: neurino <>
Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 02:19:29 -0700 (PDT)

On 14 Mag, 16:52, gnappa <> wrote:
> ciao,
> volevo sapere se qualche utente del newsgroup � laureato in fisica e
> svolge la libera professione, di qualsiasi tipo, ma che svolge grazie
> alla laurea in fisica e non qualche altro titolo. Mi interessa sapere
> cosa si pu� fare con una laurea in fisica a parte il lavoro dipendente.

Per esempio consulting. Me ne vengono in mente due:

Robert Spurr, MA PhD FRMetS, Director of RT SOLUTIONS Inc., has over
20 years experience in atmospheric physics, including 15 years in the
field of passive remote sensing of the Earth's atmosphere, surface and
oceans. He is the developer and main author of the LIDORT family of
radiative transfer models. In January 2005, he set up RT SOLUTIONS, a
new company designed to provide customers with a dedicated
consultative radiative transfer service, so that they can get the best
results for their retrieval needs.

The consultants of Brockman Consult help their customers to better
understand and manage our natural environment, and to mitigate
environmental threats.
Received on Mon May 16 2011 - 11:19:29 CEST

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