"Paolo Russo" <paolrus_at_libero.it> ha scritto nel messaggio
> "When a DC voltage was applied to the spheres they began to
> rotate until the stiffness of the suspending wires prevented
> further rotation."
> Che tensione hanno applicato? 100V? 100000V? Fa un sacco di
> differenza. Una tensione abbastanza elevata da provocare
> emissione di ioni puo` produrre moti di qualunque tipo.
...sperando che non abbiano preso ispirazione da questo sito:
"......This serie of tests about the Cornille's electrostatic pendulum
has fully demonstrated that the real source of the thrust induced
on the device and responsible of its oscillations is only produced
by a simple EHD Effect. This EHD Effect is generated by the corona
discharge effect in the air between the two thin copper wires which
carry the High Voltage. These EHD forces are mechanically transmitted
to the masses and produce a common parametric excitation of this
pendulum. The shape and the structure of the masses have no importance
in this case ( conductive or not conductive, single or two masses,
spaced or not spaced )....."
Received on Mon Apr 21 2003 - 16:05:30 CEST