Physics laws vary throughout the universe (segnalazione)

From: Peltio <>
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2010 17:22:46 GMT

Segnalo questa notizia (pur non avendo abbastanza neuroni per
apprezzarla e per discuterne a ragion veduta :-/ )

Physics laws vary throughout the universe
Date posted: 9 Sep 2010

A team of astrophysicists based in Australia and England has uncovered
evidence that the laws of physics are different in different parts of
the universe.

The team �" from the University of New South Wales, Swinburne University
of Technology and the University of Cambridge �" has submitted a report
of the discovery for publication in the journal Physical Review
Letters. A preliminary version of the paper is currently under peer

The report describes how one of the supposed fundamental constants of
Nature appears not to be constant after all. Instead, this 'magic
number' known as the fine-structure constant �" 'alpha' for short �"
appears to vary throughout the universe.

“After measuring alpha in around 300 distant galaxies, a consistency
emerged: this magic number, which tells us the strength of
electromagnetism, is not the same everywhere as it is here on Earth,
and seems to vary continuously along a preferred axis through the
universe,” Professor John Webb from the University of New South Wales
“The implications for our current understanding of science are
profound. If the laws of physics turn out to be merely 'local by-laws',
it might be that whilst our observable part of the universe favours the
existence of life and human beings, other far more distant regions may
exist where different laws preclude the formation of life, at least as
we know it.”

Qui il link al papero che è stato sottomesso alla rivista ma è ancora
visibile ai non abbonati

semplicemente segnalante
Received on Thu Sep 09 2010 - 19:22:46 CEST

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