Spin elettrone. Campo di Dirac.

From: Alberto Rasà <wakinian.tanka_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2022 04:30:08 -0800 (PST)

Ho trovato su Facebook il seguente estratto di un articolo su Scientific American.



In particular, the electron can be thought of as an excitation in a quantum field known as the Dirac field, and this field may be what carries the spin of the electron. “There’s a real rotation of energy and charge in the Dirac field,” Sebens says. If this is where the angular momentum resides, the problem of an electron spinning faster than the speed of light vanishes; the region of the field carrying an electron’s spin is far larger than the purportedly pointlike electron itself. So according to Sebens, in a way, Pauli and Lorentz were half-right: there isn’t a spinning particle. There’s a spinning field, and that field is what gives rise to particles.
... >>
In conclusione, secondo l'autore, lo spin dell'elettrone nasce dal momento angolare ("intrinseco"?) del campo di Dirac?
Qualcuno sa dove si può consultare/scaricare il lavoro originale?

Wakinian Tanka 
Received on Fri Dec 02 2022 - 13:30:08 CET

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