Relativita' di Scala

From: Marco Parmigiani <>
Date: 2000/02/08

Mi piacerebbe avere la vostra opinione sulla teoria esposta
in questo sito ("Scale Relativity"):
(versione inglese)

(versione originale in francese).

Vi riporto qualche informazione tratta dal sito su autore e teoria:

The author:

This theory is proposed by Laurent Nottale, researcher at observatoire de Paris-Meudon. He
worked for a long time in parallel on gravitational lenses, but is now devoting most of his
activity to the development of the theory of Scale Relativity (in french: Relativit� d'Echelle)
within DAEC department.

The fundamental principle of ScR:

It is an extension of Einstein's principle of relativity. It can be stated as follows: The laws of
nature must be valid in every coordinate systems, whatever their state of motion and of
scale. The results obtained show once again the extraordinary efficiency of this principle at
constraining the laws of physics.

Attendo lumi ;-)
Marco Parmigiani
Received on Tue Feb 08 2000 - 00:00:00 CET

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