Che bello! Multimedia Physics Studios

From: Davide U. <>
Date: 2000/01/27

Ciao a tutti.
Ho trovato uno stupendo sito che contiene animazioni molto carine
che cercano di spiegare in modo animato diversi fenomeni fisici.
E' soprattutto per quelli che stanno imparando la Fisica (1 e 2a superiore).

Cordiali saluti a tutti.
Davide U.

The Multimedia Physics Studios consists of a collection of GIF animations
and accompanying explanations of major physics concepts. The animations
cover common physics principles discussed in a first-year high school
physics course. The animation and discussion have been written specifically
for high school physics students. While the animations provide a strong
visual reinforcement of physics concepts, they are not interactive.
Received on Thu Jan 27 2000 - 00:00:00 CET

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