Re: Legge di Ferrel

From: Marco Coletti <>
Date: 1999/06/27

On 25 Jun 1999 11:42:56 +0200, "Andrea Zaghi" <> wrote:

>scusa ma non posso consultare pagine internet.
>potresti postare un riassunto ?

Beh, e' molto lungo e suddiviso su varie pagine, percio' allego solo
le conclusioni:

The belief that sinks drain in opposite directions in different
hemisphere does have scientific merit; however, the influence of the
Coriolis force is small in the circumstances most people encounter.
Only with high drain speed and its corrolary high volumetric flow
rate, extremely slow draining, or large volumes of water does the
coriolis effect becomes more prominent. In such large volumes of
fluids such as in the atmosphere the effect is marked. Also whe
dealing with industrial or civil applications speeds and/or time
variables could be strong enough to make the coriolis effect greater
than the internal energy or shape effects.
Received on Sun Jun 27 1999 - 00:00:00 CEST

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