####### Government Warning ####### 71633

From: <areas67_at_lintele.org>
Date: 1998/08/27

>>> The Y2K millennium bug WILL bite ! <<<<

You should, by now, have received an official Government warning of possible problems for computer users with DD/MM/YY date programs ( the Millennium or Y2K bug ).

What may not have been made clear, is that this problem also affects 99% of Hardware & Software on PC's using Windows 3.1 or 95 . i.e. almost every office, factory, hospital, etc.,,

Although there are 15 months remaining until 2000, AND although your PC may only need a simple fix, there is a significant risk some PCs will crash at the end of 1998 and MOST on Dec 31 1999.

PCs with hardware or software which is not compliant will lose functionality unless they are checked and modified as necessary.


If you check your PC today and it turns out all you need is a simple fix then you will have time examine your options.

If however you need a major re-write you should know there is a shortage of Y2K programmers worldwide, and whilst rates today are only around $1000 per day, it is predicted that by next year they will be charging over $5000 / day.

That's, if you can find a programmer AVAILABLE to do it !!

For this reason the US, Japanese & European Governments have written to ALL their business owners recommending they ACT NOW !


A FREE computer software & hardware check for Windows 3.1 & 95

Hardware - The program performs hardware tests on the Real Time Clock (RTC) and checks if the RTC rolls-over from 1999 to 2000 correctly. The program then performs other tests to confirm the year 2000 and beyond compliance is functional.

Software - The program performs a thorough test on all of the installed software, to ensure all possible software problems are identified in good time for action to be taken.

This simple program check is entirely FREE !! to FTP download.

Once the test has been run there is a small low cost program available, that can rectify any Y2K hardware dating problems, and also advise you of any software problems that you may have.

To get your copy of the FREE Y2K TEST program DO NOT HIT REPLY.

Go to :

Once you have received it you will need a blank floppy disk at hand and then run set up.

There are 2 set up versions :

1) MS Dos Set UP 2) Win 95 Set Up

Just click on the version that is appropriate and PCTEST2000 will then create a test disk to validate your PC harware & software.

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Received on Thu Aug 27 1998 - 00:00:00 CEST

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