Re: Passare da un riferimento all'altro

From: LuigiFortunati <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 15:28:40 +0200

Jos Bergervoet alle ore 19:33:08 del 09/08/2017 ha scritto:
> Obviously it is important here to define 'acceleration' as the
> locally perceived (by T) acceleration. Incidentally, the other
> twin, T0, who is still on Earth, perceives an acceleration of
> 9.8m/s^2 all the time, whereas T, using the sling-shot return,
> perceives no acceleration at all during his journey.
> If you want to use another definition of 'acceleration' (or of
> 'transition' or of 'reference frame') the answers to your
> questions might well be different. These things are actually
> very difficult to discuss in words, without mathematical
> definitions.

L'accelerazione è la variazione della velocità in un certo riferimento.

E' rigorosa (e sufficiente) questa definizione di accelerazione?

(Acceleration is variation of velocity in a given frame.
Is this definition of acceleration rigorous (and sufficient)?).

Luigi Fortunati
Credere e' piu' facile che pensare
Believing is easier than thinking
Received on Thu Aug 10 2017 - 15:28:40 CEST

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