The anti-Big Bang conjecture

From: Dario de Judicibus <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 20:57:07 +0200

Scusate se dovesse essere un duplicato, ma dal mio newsreader non sono
riuscito a vedere l'articolo, n� ho ricevuto alcuna comunicazione a
proposito, quindi assumo che sia andato perso.

I had an intuition, a conjecture, if you prefer. It is not something I can
demonstrate, so I would not call it a theory. I was not sure if I had to
publish it, because it could be simply a crazy idea that some good physicist
might destroy in few minutes. Or maybe it is a good guess. After two months
since I had the first idea I decided to risk to be considered ridicolous and
to publish it anyway. In the worst of cases you may think I am foolish, but
if I am right, it could be a big change in the way we think the origin of
universe. So I posted it on my blog and I am sharing the link in the web to
allow people more expert than me to review it. That is all. The link is
. I would appreciate competent comments, anyway, not just �you are mad,
guy!�. Thank you in advance.

Dario de Judicibus
Received on Sat Jun 27 2009 - 20:57:07 CEST

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