Effetto Unruh e particelle virtuali

From: BlueRay <blupanther_at_alice.it>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 00:54:40 -0700 (PDT)

L'effetto Unruh prova l'esistenza dei fotoni virtuali?

<<The Unruh effect, described in 1976 by Bill Unruh of the University
of British Columbia, is the prediction that an accelerating observer
will observe black-body radiation where an inertial observer would
observe none. In other words, the background appears to be warm from
an accelerating reference frame; in layman's terms, a thermometer
waved around in empty space will record a non-zero temperature.>>
Received on Wed Apr 08 2009 - 09:54:40 CEST

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