Re: Garrett Lisi

From: <>
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2007 06:09:48 -0800 (PST)

On Nov 27, 4:02 pm, (Henry) wrote:

> L'autore del lavoro in oggetto scrive un unico campo come
> campo=fotone+elettrone+W+Z+gravitone+...
> che e' un non-sense. Mi riesce difficile capire come una tal cosa abbia
> ingannato tanta gente fino a far credere ai media di aver trovato un nuovo
> Einstein.

Puoi dare un'occhiata a

A un certo punto ci trovi un commento di un ricercatore italiano della
Sissa, Fabrizio Nesti, che Lisi aveva citato nel suo lavoro. Ti
riporto comunque il commento qui di seguito.

"The point is that 'organizing' is something very subjective: I may
think that supersymmetry is very organized or terribly ugly; that
doublet-triplet splitting is what explains the electroweak scale or
that it is just an ad-hoc model; that strings are unifying or that on
the contrary they produce a mess; that GR is the final geometric
achievement, or that it is partial, an obstacle to the understanding
of gravitation.
Probably there is no objective way to say one should be satisfied.

To make an simple example, I believe one should not think that the
photon is massless because of gauge invariance, but the other way
round: the world is gauge invariant because the photon has no measured

So gauge invariance too is phenomenology in your definition. It's a
nice 'principle', that links to a lot of geometry etc., but still

Given this, some may think that it is a waste of time to try to model
phenomena at so different energy scales. This may well be true, but I
haven't lost the hope to find a good framework that organizes (to me)
existing groups, couplings and scales, and gives some predictions (his
is what I tried in my work).

The process of choosing or building an organizing framework is highly
subjective, while predictions are not. Therefore I admire Garrett's
effort, and wait for predictions. :)


PS: And yes, electroweak breaking is a crucial point to consider."
Received on Sun Dec 02 2007 - 15:09:48 CET

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