Re: qualcuno sa se l'esperimento De Witte ่ stato ripetuto?

From: Casimiro <>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 09:11:11 -0700

L'importanza dell'esperimento De Witte lo
sottolinea anche il prof. R.Webster Kehr:
a pag. 150 del suo libro, che si trova sul sito

"...The De Witte Experiment Needs to be Replicated and Improved
The reader might remember my lecture on keeping theories and data
The data of the De Witte experiment cannot be challenged in terms of
it having a
sidereal day period. Someone may disagree with my analysis and
analysis, but the data cannot be disagreed with.
The De Witte experiment is one of the great experiments of the
twentieth century.
He deserves credit for his experiment. But perhaps just as
importantly, his
experiment needs to be redone, with several changes.
First, the copper wires should only be about 300 feet long (I don't
know if there
were any repeaters along his wire) and each should be "as straight as
an arrow."
It is very disconcerting to me that the wire he used was not straight.
Second, a fiber optic cable should be placed next to the copper wire,
parallel to the copper cable. This would allow a comparison of an
signal and an electromagnetic optical signal side-by-side. I have
often said that I
thought that "wander and jitter" in fiber optic signals was caused by
our earth's
motion in space. I came to this conclusion before I learned about the
of ether drag or De Witte's experiment. But even with ether drag the
De Witte
experiment leads me to believe the De Witte Effect also has an affect
on fiber
optic signals, particularly if the MTLs are involved.
Third, very accurate celestial mechanics formulas need to be derived
synchronized with the exact direction the copper and fiber optic wires
pointed. In fact, this experiment should be done several times, with
the wires
and fiber pointed in different directions each time.
The end result is that we can determine the real value of the De Witte
experiment, and probably the real cause. Personally, I believe the De
Effect can lead to some major discoveries in physics!
Received on Thu Oct 18 2007 - 18:11:11 CEST

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