Re: il modello di Planck del corpo nero

From: Lorents <>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 09:32:57 +0100

"rofilippi" <> ha scritto nel messaggio
> Sul libro "Haliday Resnick" Fondamenti di Fisica si parla del modello
> di Planck nel cercare di giustificare la formula dello spettro del
> corpo nero da lui trovata come formula empirica.

Scusate se mi intrometto senza rispondere a nulla. La derivazione della
formula del corpo nero mi ha sempre confuso e non l'ho mai capita a fondo
(in particolare le considerazioni termodinamiche). Vorrei segnalare un
articolo e sapere cosa ne pensate:

Caranti, Galgani A critical remark on Planck's model of black-body,
International Journal of Modern Physics B 18 (4-5), 549 (2004)


Abstract: We reexamine the model of matter-radiation interaction considered
by Planck in his studies on the black-body problem, and point out that its
consistency seems to be in doubt. The key point is that Planck's model deals
in principle with a system of n material resonators interacting with the
field, but in fact Planck actually deals with a single resonator, because he
explicitly makes the assumption that the resonators act independently of
each other, i.e. perform incoherent motions. We point out that it would be
more appropriate to deal from the start with the dynamics of the complete
system, and that, in view of the long range character of the
electrodynamical forces, motions of a coherent or correlated type might thus
be found to occur.
Received on Wed May 24 2006 - 10:32:57 CEST

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