Re: Professione referee (lungo ahime`)

From: Hypermars <>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 04:42:57 -0400

"Valter Moretti" <> wrote in message

> Purtroppo non sono pi� riuscito a trovare l'e-mail del convegno sul
> peer reviewing al quale mi avevano invitato, per cui non sono in grado
> di dire cosa ne sia uscito.

Era questo?

Riporto la mail (privacy-editata) che ricevetti a suo tempo.



Based on your participation in conferences, we would like to consult your
opinion and your possible contribution regarding the idea of collecting, in
a multiple-author book or symposium proceedings, reflections and knowledge
regarding Peer Reviewing and its relationships with Knowledge
Communication. It will only take you about 30 seconds to give us your
opinion and your potential support as a reviewer and/or paper contributor.

As you know, an increasing number of books and papers have been written
regarding the weaknesses of peer reviewing in journals, but very few have
been written regarding the weaknesses and strenghts of peer reviewing in
conferences, symposia, etc.; and regarding the possible solutions to the
weaknesses of peer reviewing in both: journals and
conferences/symposia/etc. Consequently, we would like to invite you to
share your ideas/research in this area by participating in KCPR 2006 to be
held in Orlando, FL on July 20-23, 2006. Please visit KCPR's web site for
further information:

Organizers of the invited sessions with the best performance will be
co-editors of the proceedings volume where their sessions' papers are to be
included and of the CD electronic proceedings. You can find information
about the suggested steps to organize an invited session in the Call for
Participation and in the conference web page.

If the deadlines are tight and you need more time, let me know about a
suitable time for you and I will inform you if it is feasible for us.

Best Regards,

Prof.Nagib Callaos
IIIS President
Received on Mon May 15 2006 - 10:42:57 CEST

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