Risposta ai neutrini superluminali

From: Giacomo \ <gwilbor_at_email.it>
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2011 21:54:16 +0200

Articolo scettico:



The OPERA collaboration has claimed that muon neutrinos with mean energy
of 17.5 GeV travel 730 km from CERN to the Gran Sasso at a speed
exceeding that of light by about 7.5 km/s or 25 ppm. However, we show
that such superluminal neutrinos would lose energy rapidly via the
bremsstrahlung of electron-positron pairs ($\nu\rightarrow
\nu+e^-+e^+$). For the claimed superluminal neutrino velocity and at the
stated mean neutrino energy, we find that most of the neutrinos would
have suffered several pair emissions en route, causing the beam to be
depleted of higher energy neutrinos. Thus we refute the superluminal
interpretation of the OPERA result. Furthermore, we appeal to
Super-Kamiokande and IceCube data to establish strong new limits on the
superluminal propagation of high-energy neutrinos.

Giacomo "Gwilbor" Boschi
Received on Sun Oct 02 2011 - 21:54:16 CEST

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