Re: Tunguska: quale la verità?

From: Bruno Moretti IK2WQA <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 17:53:50 +0200

Bruno Moretti IK2WQA ha scritto:

> Giulio Severini ha scritto:

> > Sto leggendo un articolo su tgcom
> >
> > ma qual � la vostra opinione in merito?

> Scoperti frammenti di "manufatti tecnologici di probabile origine
> extraterrestre" nella zona russa della Siberia Centrale.
> Il ricercatore russo (omissis) aggiungendo che i frammenti scoperti
> risultano essere "parti di un dispositivo extraterrestre".

> Mmmh! Mmmh! Mmmh!

> Sento puzza di bufalata o di notizia data con i piedi.

Come volevasi dimostrare...
le paolobonolate hanno le gambe corte e....
ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat!

Russian Alien Spaceship Claims Raise Eyebrows, Skepticism

"We intend to uncover evidences that will prove the fact that it was not a
meteorite that rammed the Earth, but a UFO," Labvin was quoted by the
Russian newspaper Pravda on July 29.

"I'm afraid this is a rather stupid hoax," said Benny Peiser, a researcher
at Liverpool John Moores University in the UK. "The Russian team stupidly
stated long before they went to Siberia that the main intention of their
expedition was to find the remnants of an 'alien spaceship!' And bingo! A
week later, that's what they claim to have found."


"Let's see what these guys bring back," he said. "In the end, it's not
what they can claim but what they can support with factual evidence that
counts. The burden of proof is clearly -- and heavily-- on them."

Fermo restando che
un civilt� aliena cos� enormemente avanzata
da sgranocchiarsi come noccioline
un 10 elevato alla 14 o 15a kilometri o pi�
(1 anno luce = 9,46 x 10^12 Km)

per poi finire a...

schiantarsi sulla.... Siberia!!!

Sai che figura da Fantozzi
che salta sulla bicicletta senza sella!!!

Roll On The Occam's Razor Laughing

Clear skies!

Bruno IK2WQA
member of TeamSETI of SETI Institute

Cicognola Astronomical Observatory & IK2WQA Ham Radio Station
45�43'28"N 8�36'35"E QTH Locator: JN45HR

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Received on Fri Aug 13 2004 - 17:53:50 CEST

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