Re: Stabilità e potenziale di Gibbs

From: Giorgio Bibbiani <>
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2020 10:29:27 +0200

Il 29/08/2020 09:14, ho scritto:

Aggiungo, un altro motivo di confusione (per me)
deriva da quanto Callen scrive nell'esercizio
4.2-3 (v. link già citato):

A monatomic ideal gas is permitted to expand
by a free expansion...
Whether this atypical (and infamous) "continuous
free expansion" process should be considered as
quasi-static is a delicate point...
The fact that dS > 0 while dQ = 0 is inconsistent
with presumptive applicability of the relation
dQ = T dS to all quasi-static processes. We
define (by somewhat circular logic!) the continuous
free expansion process as being "essentially
irreversible" and non-quasi-static.


Giorgio Bibbiani
(mail non letta)
Received on Sat Aug 29 2020 - 10:29:27 CEST

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