Re: Energia elettrica nel deserto. Funzionerebbe?

From: Flavio <>
Date: 14 Aug 2003 00:23:16 -0700

> AUSTRALIA: August 14, 2002
> MELBOURNE - Australia is set to become home to the world's first Solar Tower, a one kilometre high structure with the potential to
> generate enough electricity to supply a city of more than 200,000 people.
> Federal Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane said yesterday the project had been granted "Major Project Facilitation" status, which
> defines projects of national significance and ensures streamlined decision-making for necessary government approvals.
> EnviroMission Ltd has proposed an investment of A$800 million ($431.2 million) in the project, which is due to be operating in
> south-west New South Wales by 2005/06 and has already received planning permission.
> "This project confirms Australia as a world leader in renewable energy production aimed at reducing greenhouse gases. The
> EnviroMission venture represents the world's first full-scale application of this new solar technology," Macfarlane said.
> The 1,000 metre high tower will heat air at its base through the use of a transparent "solar collector" measuring seven kilometres
> in diameter.
> The air under the collector is about 30 degrees Celsius (91 degrees Fahrenheit) hotter than the air at the top of the tower and a
> resulting convection creates a powerful updraft within the tower, driving turbines which generate the clean green power.
> The Australian government's mandated renewable energy target requires electricity retailers to supply 9,500 gigawatt hours (GWh) per
> year from renewable sources by 2010. The Solar Tower would generate about 650 GWh per annum.
> Shares in EnviroMission closed unchanged at A$0.15.
> Ciao

Ma sei proprio sicuro di questa notizia? Si tratterebbe di un
ecomostro senza precedenti (7 Km di diametro alla base) con una
potenza ridottissima (circa 75 MW che con una centrale nucleare si
producono in un reattore di 30 metri di diametro). Tra l'altro il
costo di circa 400 milioni di $ mi sembra un p� scarsino per un' opera
di queste dimensioni. Poi un'opera del genere che ad oggi sarebbe
ancora in fase di pianificazione non penso sarebbe mai pronta per il
2005/2006. Infine gli impatti sul clima locale potrebbero non essere
indifferenti, ma su questo servirebbero degli esperti.

Received on Thu Aug 14 2003 - 09:23:16 CEST

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