Nobel per la Fisica 2022

From: Davide - M <>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2022 10:00:45 -0700 (PDT)

Quanto mi meraviglia la fisica non mi meraviglia nient'altro :-D

Bohr aveva ragione e Einstein&Co avevano torto:

Cito dall'articolo:
"This is Bell’s Inequality, which can be tested. And it has been tested using particles in the lab to analyzing light from distant quasars.

So, who’s right?

Time and time again, we see that measurements of entangled particles are the same half the time. So Bohr was right! There are no hidden variables. Particles have no inherent properties. Instead, they decide the moment they are measured. And their pair, potentially on the other side of the Universe, somehow knows.

There is an uncertainty in our Universe, inherent in the nature of reality.

What this all means is something we’re still trying to figure out. But knowledge of entanglement can be incredibly useful. In the next articles, we’ll explore how quantum entanglement will soon be revolutionizing the world’s technology."

E' veramente come dice l'autore dell'articolo sopra linkato o c'e' dell altro?
Received on Wed Oct 05 2022 - 19:00:45 CEST

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