Re: Passare da un riferimento all'altro

From: LuigiFortunati <>
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2017 18:36:01 +0200

Jos Bergervoet alle ore 13:43:18 del 08/08/2017 ha scritto:
> [Moderator's note: The idiosyncratic characters result from not using a
> proper news client to post to sci.physics.research. In fact in my
> moderation process I always try to repair this as far this is possible
> in an automized way. hvh.]
> On 8/8/2017 9:36 AM, LuigiFortunati wrote:
> ...
>> =A0=A0
>> =A0=A0 I ask you:
> Luigi, can you please post more readable text? I do not know what
> you mean with "=A0=A0" and similar insertions.

  Non sono io che inserisco questi maledetti "=A0=A0", adesso proverò a
cambiare il mio news client (MESNEWS) come suggerisce il moderatore

(I am not the one who puts these curses "=A0=A0", now I will try to
change my news client (MESNEWS) as the moderator suggests (I will use

>> can the transition from one reference to another only be
>> achieved with acceleration (as in this case) or is there any other way
>> to achieve it?
> There is no prescribed reference frame to use. Everyone is free
> to use any reference system, *also* those in which he himself is
> not at rest. So the transition to another reference frame can be
> achieved simply by a decision: "let me now use reference frame
> Y instead of X for my calculations".
> If, for whatever reason, you insist (unnecessarily) on using only
> the reference frame in which you are at rest, then (by your own
> choice) you need to change your velocity to be able to use another
> reference frame. But then this is just your own chosen rule.
> A reference frame is just a grid of coordinates. There is no law
> in physics that forces you to use any specific grid. You can even
> use arbitrarily curved coordinate lines (which were not yet
> considered in this discussion until now).
> Your questions are only about your own superficial choices of
> choosing some specific reference frame. You maybe have the idea
> that there is only one choice allowed, from popular descriptions
> of the theory of relativity. But those descriptions are wrong!
> It is *not true* that if you are moving at some speed, you're only
> allowed to use one reference frame. Please change your beliefs.

  Non ho chiesto se esiste un riferimento prescritto da utilizzare per
i calcoli.

  Ho chiesto se chi è in quiete in un certo riferimento K può passare
all'essere in quiete non più rispetto a K ma rispetto a un altro
diverso riferimento K' (a gamma=8 rispetto a K) senza accelerare una
qualche "astronave".

(I did not ask if there is a prescribed reference frame to use for
calculations. I asked if anyone who is at rest in a certain K can go to
being at rest no more than K but to another K' (at gamma=8 than K)
without accelering some "spaceship").

Luigi Fortunati
Credere e' piu' facile che pensare
Believing is easier than thinking
Received on Tue Aug 08 2017 - 18:36:01 CEST

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