Hypermars ha scritto:
> Quale di queste freddure trovate piu' divertente?
> 1) A neutron walked into a bar and asked: "How much for a drink?". The
> bartender replied: "For you, no charge".
> 2) Why are quantum physicists so poor at sex? Because when they find the
> position, they can't find the momentum, and when they find the momentum,
> they can't find the position.
> 3) Two atoms were walking across a road when one of them said: "I think
> I lost an electron!". "Really?" the other replied, "are you sure?".
> "Yeah, I'm positive".
> 4) There was an old lady called Wright
> Who could travel much faster than light
> She departed one day
> In a relative way
> And returned on the previous night
> Io voto per la 3). Seguita nell'ordine di preferenza da 1), 2), 4).
Da osservatore esterno, io trovo la 2) pi� divertente e poi nell'ordine
3-1-4. Tutte simpatiche cmq.
> Bye
> Hyper
Grazie, ciao!
> P.S. scusate se non traduco, ma in italiano non rendono
questo articolo e` stato inviato via web dal servizio gratuito
http://www.newsland.it/news segnala gli abusi ad abuse_at_newsland.it
Received on Thu Jun 11 2009 - 11:12:42 CEST