Nuova versione del libro di fisica gratuito, con un capitolo in italiano

From: Christoph Schiller <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 03:49:38 -0800 (PST)

Ho messo sul sito
la nuova, 22esima versione del libro gratuito
di fisica. Sono 1600 pagine in formato pdf, in inglese.

Il capitolo sulla relativit� speciale � disponibile
in italiano, tradotto da Alessandro Gori. (Grazie!)
Gli altri capitoli seguiranno. (Chi vuole
aiutare nella traduzione � sempre benvenuto.)

Buona lettura


Ecco i dettagli della nuova edizione:

The twenty-second edition now explains how it is possible
to plunge a bare hand into molten lead, includes a film of
an oscillating quartz inside a watch, explains how it is
possible to type a letter by controlling a computer
with thought alone, includes a film of a solar flare,
explains the fifteen ways that colours appear
in rocks plants and animals, explains the connection
between cats and gauge theory, adds more ways in which
the human eye invents colours that are not there, includes
a list of laser types and applications, includes many
images of crystals, explains how physics Plotinus
and christianty come together to show that the universe
and god are one and the same, adds the handcuff puzzle
and several other puzzles, explains how jet pilots
frighten civilians with sonic superbooms produced by
fighter planes, presents the most beautiful and precise
sundial available today, adds a simple photographic
proof that the Earth is larger than the Moon, improves
the presentation of elementary particle physics, adds
a photo of a red rainbow, gives the latest discoveries
on the Galileo trial, presents a fascinating mathematical
aspect of Ohm's law, states the hardest open math problem
that you can explain to your grandmother, and much more.

Over 50 new illustrations and 100 new pages have been added.
More than 200 women and men have helped with suggestions and
material: thank you to all of them. A beautiful
French translation by Beno�t Clenet of a large part
of the text is also available. Suggestions and errata
can be added at the Motion Mountain wiki.


Received on Tue Jan 06 2009 - 12:49:38 CET

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